Age-Graded Performance Index – Apr

MR25 5km Time Time Age-graded Performance Index (API) Leaderboard

We had our bimonthly 5km Time Trial on Sunday, 7 Apr 2024, sixth since the introduction of the Agegraded Performance Index (API) leaderboard. Although leader, Tony Seakins, took 16 sec more to complete his run compared to his previous attempt in Dec 2023, his scored has actually improved by 0.05% as he moved up the next age category. Hence, he has extended his lead at the top of the leaderboard once again! The following is the latest standing:

For runners not aware, our club introduced this 5km Age-graded Performance Index Leaderboard from June 2023 5km Time Trial to generate some fun and friendly competitions among participants of our bimonthly 5km Time Trial.

The MR25 Age-graded Performance Index attempts to normalize the physiological difference in performance due to gender and age. It is constructed based on statistics obtained from the performances of runners internationally. Ranking of this score allows competition across all age groups and both genders, adding some fun to the competition. (The leaderboard will be posted on our website

Join us to see where you stand!