Time Trials, Progressive Run and Dawn to Dusk Ultramarathon

Event Details

The following are events we organize for members (and public*) throughout the year:

No Month Event
1 January 10km Progressive Run
2 February 5km Time Trial *
3 March 15km Progressive Run
4 April 5km Time Trial *
5 May 20km Progressive Run
6 June 5km Time Trial *
7 July 25km Progressive Run
8 August 5km Time Trial *
9 September 30km Progressive Run
10 October 5km Time Trial *
11 November 21km Progressive Run
12 December 5km Time Trial *
13 December MR25 Ultramarathon *

Except for the Ultramarathon that takes place on the last Sunday of the year, the rest of the events are usually organized on the first Sunday of the month. Please check details during sign-up as there may be changes, especially if sign-ups are overwhelming.